Hi! I'm Patrick, the patriotic eagle.
You might find this hard to believe, but I hatched from my egg on Independence Day, July 4th, 1776. Yes, that makes me 243 years old! I'll turn 244 this July.
I was the youngest and smallest chick in my family and wished I could do what the older eagles could. My parents warned me many times not to try to fly too soon, but I wanted to be like the others so much that I didn’t listen. One day while my parents were flying around and weren't watching me, I jumped from our nest in an attempt to fly. But I was still too small, and my wings weren't strong enough. As hard as I tried to fly, I just couldn't. I started to fall, and somehow fell into a time capsule that was about to be buried by the local Potawatomi Tribe.
The next thing I knew, the capsule was being opened! I saw big machines and a kind looking man named Larry Carlson. He told me that he was digging to make a Dining Hall at a camp he was starting with his father, Morry. I didn’t know anyone, but Larry was kind, so I stayed to help him. As we worked, I learned that we were building a place for kids to learn about God! A moose and several other friends joined us. I still love working to help keep Youth Haven safe for all of the kids who come!
My favorite Bible Verse:
“He (God) is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins."
Ephesians 1:7

My favorites:
The pool, zipline, bodybuilding, posing for patriotic photos, America, and freedom! I also love storms. Bald eagles are the only birds that like storms.
I don't like:
Sitting around doing nothing
I'm good at:
Swimming, diving, doing fancy tricks while flying, and keeping people safe. I'm also really good at teaching kids about God and why it's important that we have freedom to worship Him!